Polígono and the environment
In the planning and management of Polígono Industrial de Granadilla, the preservation of the environment and the adoption of measures to eliminate or moderate environmental impacts, both those originating from industrial activity and those due to the physical structure of the Polígono itself, are of paramount importance.
This attitude is not limited to the theoretical level, it is reflected in the finished works and in the plans and projects of future works, where there is a wide and interconnected network of free land, largely in its natural state, which dilutes the visual impact of the urbanized sectors, serving as protection for the infrastructures and enabling the development of native species of flora and fauna with unusual success.
Environmental actions include the restoration of the riverbeds of the three large cliffs that cross Polígono: El Cobón, El Callao and Tagoro-Las Monjas, and the preservation of the Piña de Mar SCI and the Montaña Pelada natural monument. Other programs in execution are those related to water; Polígono Industrial de Granadilla is participating in the phased construction of several seawater desalination plants.
The first stage is already in operation and allows for complete self-sufficiency of Polígono, greatly reducing the use of groundwater. In relation to wastewater, there is a project underway for the recycling of wastewater to irrigate green areas and for various industrial uses.

Renewable energies
Polígono Industrial de Granadilla is fully involved in the development of clean and sustainable energies in the Canary Islands, and participates, in collaboration with the Institute of Renewable Energies of Tenerife, in specific electric energy generation projects, some of which are already in operation, allowing Polígono and a significant percentage of urban consumption to be self-sufficient. The most important projects being carried out in this field are:
- Solten I photovoltaic plant: This facility occupies 90,000 m² of land and has a nominal power of 13 MW. It has been in production since 2007.
- Solten I photovoltaic plant: Installation that occupies 110,000 m² of land and has a nominal power of 17 MW. It has been in production since 2008.
- Solten I photovoltaic plant: Installation that occupies 110,000 m² of land and has a nominal power of 17 MW. It has been in production since 2008.
- Areté wind farm: Installation consisting of ten windmills with a combined capacity of 20 MW. The construction of the wind farm has been awarded by the Government of the Canary Islands in a public tender, and the construction license is currently being processed. Expected to be commissioned in 2014.